Project 5: the Garage

Coming back to the  bloc  blog party after a brief hiatus. Our house is now even more homely with the addition of our gorgeous little boy, AB. He’s kept us very busy, but we’ve just put him down at the delightfully early time of 6:30, and I feel awake enough to update this old draft post before heading to bed to read a few pages of my book (what luxury!).

Couldn't resist one proud parent photo. AB on day 2.

Couldn’t resist one proud parent photo. AB on day 2.

This project is now a few months old, but I’ll post it anyway. It was a nice easy one for us to knock over in the warmer months and the simple process of painting everything WHITE made a nice update.

We decided to start small, simple and with a room that wouldn’t matter too much if we stuffed it up. Our garage is a garage – it’s a 4m by 3m room with a cement floor and raw brick walls. We have a manual garage door (with a shiny new lock). This room will generally be our “Pool Room” (see: The Castle). It will house our prized possessions which have no real value (think overflow of books, boxes of old photos, foozball table, left over wedding decorations, flat soccer balls, spare beers, tools, dartboard, etc.).

Garages are not designed to be lived in. However, as we plan to do a bit of living in here, and as The Can gets frrrreezing in winter, first things first was to make it feel a little livable. The garage already had a heap of shelves at one end – wopee! To brighten the space we (LS and bro-law JS) painted the walls white. Two coats. This made the world of difference. We also had some left-over blue-grey paint I’d been inspired to buy for a feature wall – that went on the back wall behind the shelving. Fancy!


Yup - wearing thermals and a beanie - it's cold!

Yup – wearing thermals and a beanie – it’s cold!

Obligatory photo needed for going back to Bunnings since I didn't get enough.

Obligatory photo needed for going back to Bunnings since I didn’t get enough.

We added some off-cuts of old carpet donated from Team S (the in-laws) which helps keep the room a bit warmer. We have yet to mount the dartboard, but I think on warm summer nights, this room might get a bit of a workout and become “the Bar”.

 (finished photos to follow when I get in there during the day sans baby)

Total Cost: about $80 for two tins of plain all-purpose white paint, $15 for paint roller. Already had grey paint and extra paint brushes. Carpet donated.

Next Project: Back out to the garden.